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Th 2, 30/11/2009 | 12:15 CH

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NOIP’s delegation attended the meeting of APEC’s IP expert group

The 27th meeting of APEC’s IP expert group (IPEG) and seminar on protection of traditional knowledge held in Lima, Peru on 13-16 August 2008. The meeting was participated by 16 delegations from APEC’s economies. The Vietnamese delegation was led by NOIP’s Director General Tran Viet Hung attended both the meeting and the seminar. Besides, representative from WIPO was also invited to attend and speak at the 27th meeting of IPEG.


The 27th meeting of APEC’s IP expert group (IPEG) and seminar on protection of traditional knowledge held in Lima, Peru on 13-16 August 2008. The meeting was participated by 16 delegations from APEC’s economies. The Vietnamese delegation was led by NOIP’s Director General Tran Viet Hung attended both the meeting and the seminar. Besides, representative from WIPO was also invited to attend and speak at the 27th meeting of IPEG.

The 27th meeting of IPEG reviewed and assessed results of activities implemented. Over the past time, many ideas and collective actions had been carried out within the framework of IPEG and resulted in positive outputs, contributing to improving the effectiveness of IPRs protection in APEC area.

The meeting spent rather much time on update and exchange of information about various issues of IP systems by APEC economies. Viet Nam also made some presentations about the situation in Viet Nam, including the one by Director General Tran Viet Hung about the development of the IP system of Viet Nam after its accession to the WTO. The meeting paid much attention and recognized achievements of the IP system of Viet Nam.   

In addition, the meeting discussed ideas of economies in forms of projects with a view to promoting and improving effectiveness of IPRs protection in member economies of APEC. Viet Nam proposed an idea relating to the establishment of “APEC prize on IP” to encourage and exploit creative potentials in APEC’s member economies, especially developing economies. This idea was supported at the meeting and would be submitted to APEC for consideration and adoption.

The next IPEG meeting will be hosted by Singapore in February 2009.

The seminar on protection of traditional knowledge was organized right after the 27th IPEG meeting with the participation of experts from WIPO and CBD as well as representatives from APEC’s member economies. The experts provided updated information relating to policies for TK protection, principles on approaching and sharing benefits from the use and exploitation of TK (ABS);

Some member economies were also invited to deliver presentations about the status of TK protection in their territories. Being invited by the Organizing Board, DG Tran Viet Hung talked about the situation of TK protection in Viet Nam and received interests of participants. Many questions to the Vietnamese delegation were raised out.

On the sideline of the 27th IPEG meeting and seminar, the Vietnamese delegation held meetings with other delegation of APEC’s member economies to exchange updated information as well as seek bilateral cooperative possibilities between Vietnam and these partners.