Th 3, 20/03/2018 | 09:10 SA

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World Women Inventors and Entrepreneurs Association (WWIEA) supports creative activities by women

Now, the Association has members from more than 40 countries, including Vietnam...

We are now living in the era of knowledge-based economy where the protection of intellectual property rightsshould be respected. The competition among countries depends on the development of high technologies with appropriate protection of intellectual property rights. There have been many creative ideas initiated by women thanks to their sensibilities through daily god-given role.

With the objective of creating a women’s global network reaching beyond the ideology and national boundaries, World Women Inventors and Entrepreneurs Association was founded with 18 member countries when participating in the Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2008. So far, the Association has admitted members from more than 40 countries, including VietNam. Through annual events, women inventors and entrepreneurs share theirbest practiccal experiences of supportive policies of each country and suggest successful stories and ideas. The developing countries should pay more attention to encouraging capable women in business as well as in creative activities to utilize intellectual propertyto maximize their talent.

WWIEA’s key activities include:

- Promot cooperation with relevant agencies to support women inventors and entrepreneurs.

- Collect information on the activities of women inventors and entrepreneurs in different countries and support policy making for women inventors and entrepreneurs and women owned small and medium-sized enterprises.

- Support in term of policies and provide different training programs to developing countries in order to narrow the gap, create chances for women and women owned SMEs to access to the intellectual property system so that they can have a fair competition at the international level.

- Study, propose changes to laws and legal regulations, treaties, national and international policiesin order to help women inventors and entrepreneurs to gain appropriate status in such an increasingly developing globalization context.

- Strengthen awareness of the Government and individuals overthe importance of invention sand the role of women inventor, narrow thegender gap by enabling women to contribute to the economic development.

- Collaborate with different Governments, public or non public organizations and associationsto conduct related activities aiming at supporting women inventors and entrepreneurs.

The two major projects implemented in Korea are SEED Project and HOPE Project.

SEED Project aims atintellectual property (IP) dissemination and ultimately creating economic power through IP-based inventions. Literally, ‘SEED’ means “ hard part of a plant used as a kind of variety”. Sowing a seed is to denote the incubation, the participants are instructed how to nurish the seeds. SEED Project targets vulnerable peoplein the society -  those who hardly have economic capabilities. By providing awareness and training on IP and invention to developing countries, WWIEA has contributed to narrowing the gap of understanding level on IP among countries. SEED Project is conducted by WWIEA in cooperation with WIPO with trust given to the public and professionalism in the field of IP. SEED Project was first implemented in 2012 in Seoul, Korea. Beside regularconsultation and support, every year, SEED Project organizes an advanced international Training Program on Idea, Invention, Innovation and Intellectual Property. With a view to enhancing capacity and  contribution of women to the society, participants of the Program are all women who acts as inventors, entrepreneurs and female staff from relevant agencies. The content of training program is very informative bycreating a forum for participants from various countriesto exchange experiences in innovation, creativity and IP management.

The speakers are inventors in various technical fields, sharing their successful and failure stories, methods and skills of thinking, observation and research to create useful inventions for the society. In addition, policy makers, training and education experts also enthusiatically participatedin the training program. Program attendees were trainedon ‘4I’ (Idea, Invention, Innovation, Intellectual Property). The Program brought participants an opportunity to explore traditional culture as well as creative culture of Korea and other Asian countries.

As followed up of SEED Project, HOPE Projectis carried out for those countries who wishto conduct the “4I” training program. The member countrie safter participating and gaining some experiences in SEED Project can develop this training program in their own countries within the framework of HOPE Project.

The precious operational experiences of WWIEA are pretty useful for VietNam to render supports to inventorsin general and femal einventors in particular in inventing activities and business. With profound history of building and defending the country where women were known as indomitable, faithful heroines. with the traditional of  responsibility, creativeness and hard working, creativity activities by women should be encouraged, supported and honored. They are the persons who incubate the "innovation seed" for the society./.