Th 3, 01/12/2009 | 14:42 CH

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High level delegation of the State Intellectual Property Office of China visits Viet Nam

From 23 to 25 November 2008, a high level delegation of the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) headed by Mr. Li Yuguang, Deputy Commissioner and Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO) under the management of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of China headed by Ms. Guo Lianlian, Deputy Director General, paid an official visit to Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi within the framework of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the field of intellectual property. The delegation also consisted of high level officials and experienced experts of SIPO and CTMO.


From 23 to 25 November 2008, a high level delegation of the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) headed by Mr. Li Yuguang, Deputy Commissioner and Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO) under the management of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of China headed by Ms. Guo Lianlian, Deputy Director General, paid an official visit to Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi within the framework of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the field of intellectual property. The delegation also consisted of high level officials and experienced experts of SIPO and CTMO.

During the visit, the delegation attended activities such as (i) Giving lectures at the seminar on Protection of Intellectual Property in China organized in Ho Chi Minh City on 23 November 2008 with the participation of a number of representatives of administration agencies, IP agents, businesses in the areas of Ho Chi Minh City and the South; (ii) Exchange of experiences on organization and management of IP activities held in the headquarter of the NOIP in Ha Noi on 25 December 2008. Particularly, during the visit, on 23 December 2008, the head meeting among the NOIP, SIPO and CTMO was organized in Ho Chi Minh City. The NOIP’s delegation at the meeting was led by Mr. Tran Viet Hung, Director General and attended by Mr. Hoang Van Tan, Deputy Director General. At the meeting, the two sides exchanged, updated to each other the latest developments of the IP system of the two countries and shared opinions about international IP issues of mutual interests. The meeting was spent much on discussions about bilateral cooperative activities implemented over the past time within the framework of the signed Agreement of Cooperation between SIPO and NOIP as well as the plan of cooperation in the coming time. Director General Tran Viet Hung expressed the gratitude to the Government of China and SIPO for rendering Viet Nam valuable assistance, making important contribution to the development of the IP system of Viet Nam. The two sides agreed to strengthen and extend the cooperation between the two countries in the field of intellectual property. Specifically, CTMO and NOIP would consider signing an agreement of cooperation in the field of trademark between CTMO and NOIP.

Well ending the official visit to Viet Nam, the delegation thanked the NOIP for its hospitality and warm reception. The delegation left Viet Nam on 26 December 2008.

Some images about the delegation’s activities: