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Th 4, 13/12/2017 | 09:07 SA

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NOIP Director General Received a Courtesy Call from the IP Officer of US Embassy

NOIP Director General Received a Courtesy Call from the Intellectual Property Officer of the United States Embassy

On 15 August 2017, NOIP Director General Dinh Huu Phi received Mrs. Amy Padilla, the intellectual property officer of the US Embassy in Vietnam on the occasion of receiving mission and discussing the cooperative orientation in intellectual property field between Vietnam and the US in the forthcoming years.

The Director General received a courtesy call from the intellectual property officer of the United States Embassy (15/08/2017)

At the meeting, Director General Dinh Huu Phi highly appreciated and congratulated Mrs. Amy Padilla on receiving the new role as the intellectual property officer at the US Embassy in particularly and in the US in general in terms of intellectual property cooperation with Vietnam. This cooperation is especially formed through the bilateral cooperative framework between NOIP and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as well as the multilateral platforms embodied in the cooperative mechanism of ASEAN and APEC. Director General also expressed the hope that in the new position as the US Embassy’s intellectual property officer, Mrs. Amy Padilla would promote cooperative activities in the field of intellectual property between Vietnam and the US in the forthcoming years.

During the meeting, Director General Dinh Huu Phi was pleased to inform that being aware of intellectual property’s role in the creative and innovative process and the economic-social development of Vietnam, as the national leading organization in managing intellectual property, NOIP had made the effort to decrease unresolved applications, increase filed patent applications by 5-10% annually, establish cooperative mechanism in intellectual property with other countries to support domestic and foreign enterprises, for example, signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Geographical Indications with Japan’s Food Industry Affairs Bureau (FIAB) (02/06/2017). In the near future, NOIP is working towards solutions to improve intellectual property capacity, reduce the backlog of applications for industrial property protection, shorten the processing time, with a view to bringing Vietnam to the leading group of ASEAN in the field of intellectual property.

To achieve the abovementioned objectives, Director General Dinh Huu Phi expressed the hope that the US Embassy would pay attention and prioritize its support for NOIP in coordinating implementation of programs and campaigns to raise public awareness of intellectual property rights, as well as to connect and promote deeper cooperation between NOIP and US intellectual property managing bodies such as the USPTO in various areas including intellectual property management, intellectual property administration, calculating the contribution of intellectual property to the national economy, training examiners, consulting on forecasting the increase of applications and simplifying the assessment process.

Mrs. Amy Padilla said that US agencies, including the USPTO, the United States Trade Representative (USTR), and the US Embassy had had longstanding cooperative relations with NOIP and hoped for this cooperation to develop further in the future. With regard to NOIP’s proposal, Mrs. Amy Padilla said that in the near future the USPTO would actively connect with NOIP to strengthen the cooperation between the two sides in the areas of interest. At the same time, Mrs. Amy Padilla hoped to promote direct collaboration between NOIP and the US Embassy, particularly in implementing propagating campaigns to raise public awareness of intellectual property as well as supporting businesses, innovators in the establishment protection of intellectual property rights./.

International Cooperation Division