Th 2, 30/11/2009 | 11:57 SA

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NOIP’s DG visits Japan

Being invited by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan Patent Office (JPO), from 06 to 12 July 2008, a delegation of the NOIP led by DG Tran Viet Hung paid a visit to Japan.


JPO’s Commissioner Masahiro KEZUKA (in the middle of the right) meets the NOIP’s delegation

Being invited by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan Patent Office (JPO), from 06 to 12 July 2008, a delegation of the NOIP led by DG Tran Viet Hung paid a visit to Japan.

Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, Mr. Masahiro KOEZUKA made a cordial meeting with DG Tran Viet Hung. The two sides expressed their satisfaction about the good development of the cooperation between the two offices during the past years. The two leaders exchanged of opinions about international IP issues, as well as provided updated information about the development of the IP systems of the two countries. DG Tran Viet Hung congratulated JPO for the achievements of the Office and Japan in the field of intellectual property and expressed the deep gratitude for the  precious and effective assistance that JPO and Japanese Government rendered to Viet Nam in the field of intellectual property at the same time. Through ODA projects sponsored by Japan Government, the automation system which was applied with the latest achievements of information technology had been established, bringing about practical effectiveness to the administration and handling of industrial property registration applications at the NOIP.

 The rapid growth of the number of industrial property registration applications creates pressure on the Japan Patent Office to strengthen automation of their process by applying at the most effective way IT achievements. For this purpose, JPO spends about 1/3 of the Office’s budget for automation activities annually.

Though automation at the highest level (paperless system), the productivity has not satisfied demands of the society, and thus, the use of series of affiliate agencies to assist the handling of data and assume supporting work is a new direction for JPO to speed up the handling of applications.

In this visit to Japan, DG Tran Viet Hung also visited some assistance offices for IP development in Japan such as Industrial Property Information and Training Center (INPIT), Patent Information Processing Center (PAPC), Asia Pacific Industrial Property Center (APIC) of Japan Invention and Innovation Institute (JIII), Japan Industrial Property Information Organization (JAPIO), Intellectual Property Cooperation Center (IPCC), Japan External Trade Promotion Office (JETRO) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Before leaving Japan, the NOIP’s delegation had a meeting with Deputy Director General of JICA at Tokyo Seiichi NAGATSUKA. During the meeting, JICA’s Deputy Director General emphasized that Viet Nam’s position was improved in the region and the world during recent years, especially after its accession to the WTO. Viet Nam made many successes in economic development. The ODA fund that Japan rendered to Viet Nam was always stabilized and considerably increased. The relationship between Japan and Viet Nam would be surely strengthened in the future. JICA would pay further attention to IP protection activities in Viet Nam. Taking this opportunity, JICA’s Deputy Director General expressed his thanks to the Vietnamese Government, particularly the NOIP, for its valuable cooperation and assistance that it rendered to the Japanese experts who were working in Viet Nam. DG Tran Viet Hung also thanked JICA and relevant agencies for their organization of the visit for the NOIP’s delegation and their respectful, thorough and effective reception.

The visit helped the NOIP’s delegation to study experience of Japan in the utilization of information technology in automation of their professional work and other supporting measures, through which Viet Nam could apply in Viet Nam to improve and speed up the application handling in the NOIP.