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Th 4, 26/09/2012 | 16:40 CH
Xem với cỡ chữ Đọc bài viết Tương phản
JPO acts as NOIP’s IPEA and ISA under the PCT system
The NOIP officially recognizes JPO as one of the International Searching (ISA) and Preliminary Examination Authorities (IPEA)...
Having considered the capacity of Japan Patent Office (JPO), the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam officially recognizes JPO as one of the International Searching (ISA) and Preliminary Examination Authorities (IPEA) for international patent applications originating from Viet Nam under the PCT system as from 01 July 2012. Hence, since the above date, Vietnamese applicants have one more option to select the international searching and preliminary examination authority for their PCT applications, apart from national IP offices of Russia, Sweden, Republic of Korea, Austria and the European Patent Office.
Please refer to the attached notification of the NOIP on the said issue for further details.
National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam
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